User Guide
Your Dashboard contains all the data and functionalities you need to manage Processes and Candidates.
First you select a product in the Product Catalogue.
Two types of products exist – Fixed number of Candidates and Subscription
The Fixed number of Candidates products have a predefined number of Candidates that are reduced for each Candidate you create in a Process. The Candidates do not expire and you can always see how many remaining Candidates you possess.
Subscription products provide access to an unlimited number of Candidates for the duration. The products are renewed automatically at the end of the selected time period.
After purchase you can start the first Process. A Process is comparison and evaluation of a group of Candidates. When starting a Process it must be named and an e-mail address provided. The e-mail address is used for communication from Logisk Profil in relation to the Process. The Process is displayed in the Processes Overview including Start Date and End Date. The End Date is the date that all included Candidates have completed both tests. The button “See Results” opens the Process and Candidates can be added. Process Name and Contact E-mail can be changed by overwriting the information in the fields and pressing “Save Update”.
For Candidate creation, a name and an e-mail address have to be provided. The e-mail address is used to invite the Candidate to the test and we recommend that private e-mail addresses like Hotmail and Gmail are used to ensure that the invitations are received.
The Candidates are displayed in the Candidates List once they are created. The number of Candidates in each Process is unlimited and Candidates can be created at any time. The Candidate field shows the date the test invitations have been sent and the tests completed as well as the number of days the test is available to the Candidate. You can decide how many days the test will be available to the Candidates by change the number in the box and press “Set”. The test invitation e-mail the Candidate receives includes the time and date when the test link is no longer active. This will be 24 hours x #test availability days selected following “Sent Date”. Should it be necessary to expand the test availability this can be done by pushing the “Re-send E-mail…” button. “Sent Date” always displays the most recent time the test invitation e-mail was sent.
When Test 1 is completed, the Test 2 invitation is automatically send to the Candidate by the system and when Test 2 is completed the Candidate is marked “Completed!”.
The button “Results” opens the Candidate Details that includes the information and results of the Candidate. The results section is explained below. Candidate Name and E-mail can be changed by overwriting the information in the fields and pressing “Save Update”.
Test 1 and Test 2 are of equal difficulty and contain comparable questions. All Candidates take the same tests. The tests are identical in English and Danish. The Candidate chooses either English or Danish as test language prior to starting Test 1.
The results of the tests are shown on Process Details and Candidate Details immediately after a test is completed.
Candidate Details includes two sections, one for the absolute performance and one for the relative performance.
Candidate Progress shows the results of the Candidate for the full test as well as the three Categories of questions on individual lines.
“Score” is the number of correct answers.
“Process Rank” is the rank of the Candidate compared to all other Candidates included in the Process based on “Score” performance. 5/8 means that the Candidate is ranked as number 5 of 8 Candidates.
“Not Answered” is the number of questions that were not answered.
“In-correct” is the number of questions answered in-correctly.
“Time Spent” is the number of seconds used to answer the questions. The total is not 720 (12 minutes) as time is spent navigating the test.
The first number in the column is the performance of Test 1 and the second number is from Test 2. The color of the arrow indicates the change from Test 1 to Test 2.
The Ability/Speed Analysis shows how fast the Candidate answered the questions combined with ability to answer correctly.
The Speed-axis shows the relative tempo of the Candidate when answering the test in terms of average time spent per question of the questions that were answered.
The Correctness-axis shows the percentage of correct answers of the questions that were answered.
The result is show for the full test as well as the three Categories of questions marked by different colors and numbering the tests to track the change.
Process Details includes two sections, one for the absolute performance and one for the relative performance, which compare all Candidates included in the Process.
The Results Overview displays the number of correct answers of the Candidates for the full test as well as the three Categories of questions for Test 1 and Test 2. The Candidates are marked by a C and a number that is shown in the Candidates List. Holding the mouse over “Equal results” will display the individual scores.
The Ability/Speed Analysis displays the same dimensions as in the Candidate Ability/Speed Analysis. The comparison is made between the Candidates for the full test as well as the three Categories of questions in individual graphs.
The system does not share the results with the Candidates and it is at you discretion to what extent you wish to communicate the performance.